What people had to say about the ‘‘Yes Santa Claus there is a Virginia’’ Workbook

This book illustrates the Satir Model through stories, games, activities, interviews and songs. Janine Tougas leads you in a step-by-step experience of Satir’s teachings. Most valuable for teachers of the Satir model, with hundreds of creative visual, auditory and kinesthetic exercises. It is a book for those who are curious about how to communicate in a meaningful way and make contact with others.”

The Four Little Pigs DVD will teach you in a fun way how we protect ourselves and how this is reflected in communication.

Maria Gomori Remembers Virginia Satir DVD is based on a conversation between Janine and myself providing insights about Virginia’s personal life, her work and its ongoing impact in the world.

Janine worked on this book for the last ten years and my deepest appreciation goes to her for this artful labour of love. I am proud of her and Virginia would be too.

Maria Gomori, student, colleague and friend of Virginia Satir (Taken from Yes, Santa Claus, There is a Virginia — Foreword by Maria Gomori)

"As an experienced therapist and Satir facilitator I have found "Yes Santa Claus, There Is a Virginia" to be an invaluable resource. It is brilliantly written and compiled with a combination of theory, activities and examples. The multi-media resources have become a staple in my work with individuals and groups of all ages. For years I have wanted to find a practical resource like this and here it is! I have purchased several binders as a gift for therapists who are just starting out, and they have recognized that the interactive experiences create meaningful awareness and growth for their clients. Janine has a genuine gift in developing material that is fun, engaging, and easily understood."

Valerie Monk; Therapist and Facilitator (speaking from 40 years of experience)

This is a tremendous resource for teaching people about the Satir model — adults, children and groups. Individuals can use it on their own. I have shared it in my trainings here in northern Canada as well as in Bahrain, Dubai, Turkey and Latvia. I have given a copy to a therapist I am supervising in Zurich, Switzerland.  One student of mine is now using it in Morocco. I want people to have access to all the material I find useful. Thank Yes Santa Claus, There Is a Virginia is very useful because everything is there — if you have to travel with one resource, this is it! I always take a copy with me and leave it with the Institute where I am teaching so therapists there can access it.  

Pat Bragg, Satir Institute Society of the Yukon